A word from The Shower Song's Director and Producer:
Life is short.
The Shower Song communicates thoughts and values the many, but if I want the audience to come out with just one, it’s that we must do the best we can, to summon and express the greatest happiness humanely possible, with the limited time we have. We must also do good, and never give up.
To all the participating talents who believed in me and in the project, it was a sheer privilege working with performers of such magnitude. To my crew, my friends and my family who supported me, cheers to you, my loved ones. Finally, a special thank you to two dear friends who held my hands along the way and when I needed it most to see The Shower Song through – Giuseppe Cristarella & Salma Zein Al Abdin!

The Shower Song's Film Credits (also available on IMDB)
Production Team
Song Written, Composed & Performed by George
Song Produced by OK George! Studio
Music Orchestrated by William Gaboury
Musical Contributions (Second Chorus) by Shamala Jayasekera
Song Translation
French Translation by Didier Klein (with input from George Karkour)
Spanish Translation by Fernanda Vilamajo
Oliver Charles
Ian Sabourin
Marc-Olivier Germain
Film Produced by OK George! Studio
Directed by George Karkour
Filmed by Giuseppe Cristarella & George Karkour (Directors of Photography)
Production Assistance by Salma Zein Al Abdin & Emma Rosa Melgoza
Auxiliary Videography (Shower Dance) by Karam Abu Ali & Paul van den Boom
Auxiliary Production Assistance (Shower Dance) by Justin Calandriello & Megan D’Ermo
Photography by Emma Rosa Melgoza & Nicholas Belliveau
Casting by George Karkour
Location, Costumes, Decor & Props Management by George Karkour
Storyboard Sketches by Gabe Kong
Artistic contributions by Frida Bittar, Rona Kabawat & Sara Meyer
Actors (In Order of Appearance)
Amber Layne (as Samantha)
Vladimir Nicolas (as Samantha’s Father)
Agnès Stuart (as Agnes)
Pierre-Yves Charbonneau (as First Businessman)
Dany Gange (as Second Businessman)
Nicolas Distefano (as Third Businessman)
Golden (as Rocky)
George Karkour (as George)
Vincent Y. Bidjakin (as Kevin)
Christian Der-Arakelian (as Little José)
Laurent Marion (as Toby)
Victor Calamote (as Jon, Toby’s Father)
Dominique Roche (as Marie, Toby’s Mother)
Guilhem Buccola (as First Protester)
Béatrice Blais (as Second Protester)
Mathieu Grisard (as Third Protester)
Spider (as Joe The Spider)
Jules Bégin (as Maher)
Maria Carvalho (as Granette)
Victoire De Rockwell (as Jesus)
Barbada (as Monica)
Jennifer Laperrière (as Jennifer, Toby’s Sister)
Derick Fage (as Newsanchor)
Fariha Naqvi-Mohamed (as First Inspiring Lady)
Mengting Hu (as Second Inspiring Lady)
Simran Kanda (as Third Inspiring Lady)
Zhimei Zhang (as Maher’s Wife)
Shower Dance Performers
Sonia Balazovjech (Dancer)
Agnès Stuart (as Agnes)
Autumn Dixon (Dancer)
Kim McBain (Dancer)
Alyssa-Marie Crawford (Dancer)
Tiffany Leclair (Dancer)
Nathalie Parmentier (Dancer)
Elyssa Tramley (Dancer)
Bridget Cloetta (Dancer)
Divya Kakkar (Dancer)
Nicole Legault (Dancer)
Vincent Y. Bidjakin (Performer)
Pierre-Yves Charbonneau (Performer)
Kreg Weiss (Performer)
Hady Hatem (Performer)
Jean-Philippe Thériault (Performer)
Maxime Varayos Meas (Performer)
Julian Daniels (Performer)
Giovanni Caster (Performer)
Christian Der-Arakelian (Performer)
Chadwick Dixon (Performer)
Choreographed by Sonia Balazovjech
Locations & Special Thank Yous
Quartiers des spectacles de Montréal
Bureau du cinéma et de la télévision de Montréal
Restaurant Kamúy (Paul Harry Toussaint)
Céline Rouleau
Réseau Dignité / Diginity Memorial
Mkali Moments Events
Steven Regimbal
Joe Barrucco
Film Edited & Color Correction by George Karkour
Visual Effects
Luma Pixels (Lumapix Creative Studios LLP)
VFX Co-Ordination by Prakash Mehta
Post-Production Management by Amal Singha
VFX Art led by Pabanjyoti Nath
CG Art led by Gobindo Das, Parvez Ashif & ASM Kawsar
Rigging (the alien) by David Torres Monteiro
Animation by Pranshu Goel, Pabanjyoti Nath & Parvez Ashif
2D Department led by Abhinab Gogoi & Tenzin Tempa
Roto Prep and 2D Compositing by Abhinab Gogoi, Tenzin Tempa, Sanjay Sharma & Fujayel Zidne Khan
Audiovisual Effects & Miscellaneous
TV Slide courtesy of Andy Fielding (titled “Retro SciFi Green”)
Font Licenses #22514974
Additional music tracks used in the “Making Of”
Licensed by uppbeat.io
- Snap by All good folks
- Funk in the trunk by Trinity
- Connections by All good folks
- Innovation by Paul yudin
- Funk in the trunk by Trinity
- Mornings by Simon Flower
- Dance with me by Mark July
- Cheeky little ones by GiulioFazio
- Shake it off by Zambo
Licensed by uppbeat.io
- Uplifting music (unknown author)
- Candy (unknown author)
Licensed by Melodyloops
- Healing and meditation mood (unknown author)
Licensed by Audiojungle
- Happy pet by 2bstudio
- Cheeky little ones by Giulio Fazio
- Orchestral Adventure Comedy ident by JustNeedStudio
- Pets (Unknown Author)
Licensed by OK George! Studio
- The OK George! Studio jungle by Augustin Nicolas
Website Created by George Karkour (OK George! Studio)